A brand identity that feels big in stature but still maintains that “locals only” apeal.


Logo Design / Brand Identity / Small Business Design / Food Packaging / Social Media Branding / Boutique Branding

Dune & Bluff’s is located on Block island, which takes the shape of a 10-square-mile pork chop sitting south of the Rhode Island coast.

The client wanted to develop a great branding identity that felt big in stature but still maintain that “locals only” feeling.

If you get the chance to visit this island destination you might want to cooled off with a dip in the ocean and a quick walk through town to pick up a scoop of gelato and a cup of local island coffee at Dune & Bluff’s.

Dune & Bluff’s is unique in that it is owned and operated by locals with a passion for the islands long and extended history.


Swiss Crackers
